I got my first camera when I was 10 and have been snapping pictures
ever since. I got an Art degree, specializing in Photography and
Graphic Design from California State University, Northridge, and
because my dad made me, I also got a Business degree. After college
I went into the entertainment industry, designing sets and props
for all the big studios. While on sets I learned about macro photography,
as most of the sets I designed and built were miniatures and models.
I left the movies and theme parks behind me, I headed into the wonderful
world of high tech. But there have always been my passions, traveling
and photography. Whenever I got the chance I was off; whether driving
with some friends through Ireland, or following the Mayan Trail,
or spending time in Africa, I couldn't get enough. I usually only
shared my photos with friends, but now by popular demand I am sharing
with all of you, and while sharing them do a little good for some
pretty wonderful people and causes. So I thank you for stopping
by, and hope you enjoy my photos half as much as I enjoyed taking
